

Campus Cleanup Recap

On Saturday, November 4, several dedicated parishioners descended upon the grounds of St. Francis and worked to keep Mother Nature in check. From 8:30 to noon or so people were busy using hedge trimmers, clippers, rakes, brooms, shovels, tarps and blowers. The grounds look wonderful, thanks to teenagers who were there for service hours and the St. Francis Faithful. The devotion of the congregation is amazing; several people who were not able to be there on Saturday came beforehand and did a great deal of work, trimming back trees and shrubs. Thank you to everyone who participated – it was a great day!

Thanksgiving Outreach with Harbor Interfaith

Thanksgiving Outreach with Harbor Interfaith

Harbor Interfaith Services, Inc. plans to deliver over 350 complete holiday meals for Thanksgiving. Donations from St. Francis can help to make Thanksgiving brighter for families served by HIS. They ask specifically for frozen turkeys, canned vegetables, mashed potatoes, stuffing or dressing mix, canned yams or sweet potatoes, cake mixes/frosting and/or grocery gift cards.

Parishioners can bring donations to church on Sundays or to the church office during office hours through Wednesday, Nov. 15 for delivery to HIS on Nov. 16.

For more information, contact Joyce Alley at jballey7359@gmail.com

For more about Harbor Interfaith, visit https://www.harborinterfaith.org/

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