Bellringer Weekly for Sunday, Jan. 7, 2024
Bellringer Weekly for Sunday, Dec. 24, 2023
Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 24 at 8:00 pm
Come listen to the St. Francis Choir perform a selection of beautiful Christmas choral works and join us in singing some Christmas carols! On Christmas Eve at 8 pm, we will be offering a brief program of fun and inspiring Christmas music along with some favorite Christmas carols just before the 9 pm Christmas Eve service. The choir is already hard at work preparing this wonderful program which you will not want to miss! Come join us in welcoming the Christ child with rich and joyful music!
For more information, please contact our Director of Music, Dr. Mark Bennett at mark.bennett@stfrancispalosverdes.org.
For all our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship, click here.
Calling all Quilters and Knitters
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to spend more time working on needlework projects, please consider coming to the Boardroom on Thursdays at 1:00 to 3:00 pm. People are quilting, embroidering, knitting, and crocheting every week. Come join us to share your creations, ideas, and knowledge! For more info, contact Anna Eakins or the church office.
Military Outreach
The next Military Outreach for Camp Pendleton donations is on January 20, 2024.
Thank you for thinking of the women and children! Sharing your gently used items that your children have outgrown is gratefully accepted. Kitchen items are needed, as well.
You may bring items to the church by Sunday, January 14.
We encourage you, if you have a truck or van, to donate your time to pick up items we have stored in our garage since the end of October, after the last donation.We have a small car.
You can put your items in your vehicle. Thank you for sharing your time, vehicle, and items.
If you have no items to share but can donate your time and a vehicle, that would be so helpful.
Please let me know if you can help with that right away.
We meet on January 20 at 8:15 to pack the vans, and trucks then leave at 8:45 am. The moving vans are quickly filled up, so if we get in line before 9 am, we usually arrive on time.
The address to meet is 5008 Milne Drive, Torrance CA, 90505.
Thank you so much for sharing gently used items for our military families.
If you would like to donate a gift card ($ 25.00) to Target or Walmart, that is great! Most use these cards for food.
Thank you so much !
Susie Zimmerman
Military Outreach
Art Camp is coming
For information, contact Fr. Jason at jason.shelby@stfrancispalosverdes.org or 310-594-7984.
January 3, 4, and 5
9:00 to 11:30 am
Ages 5 – 12
$125 per student
Parking lot lighting maintenance
A big thank you to long-time parishioner Tom Tenney for his work replacing the light bulbs in our lower parking lot.
Tim replaced three of the parking lot light fixtures with new LED cobra head fixtures using a boom lift owned by BTEC. BTEC is a licensed C10 and B contractor #677334. BTEC is bonded and insured—their staff is trained and qualified to perform this work. Replacing the three fixtures took about four hours.
We plan on changing the rest and some other outdated fixtures on campus over the next few months.
Tim’s effort helps ensure the safety of a well-lit parking area.
Bellringer Weekly for Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023
Bellringer Weekly for Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023
Dawn Unity at St. Francis
On Thursday, December 7, Dawn Unity held this seminar on antisemitism at St. Francis.
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Tuesdays at Noon
To get news, events, or other notifications in our weekly email and worship bulletin announcements, send your news to info@stfrancispalosverdes.org by noon on Tuesday for publication on Sunday.