

Holy Week and Easter

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday — March 24
Celebrate Palm Sunday at the 8:00 am and 10:00 am service.

Holy Week — March 24-30

3/27 Holy Wednesday
7 pm – Tenebrae at St. Andrew’s (Torrance). A contemplative evening of light & music.

3/28 Maundy Thursday

  • Noon – Foot washing at Christ Church (Redondo).
  • 7 pm – Holy Eucharist, foot washing, stripping of the altar, and the Watch at St. Cross (Hermosa).

3/29 Good Friday

  • 12-3 pm – Meditative service at St. Francis. Sit in the quiet of the chapel as we contemplate the last words of Christ; this is a come-and-go service.
  • 12-3 pm – Labyrinth Walk in Parish Hall
  • 7 pm – Veneration of the Cross at Christ Church (Redondo).

3/30 Holy Saturday
8 pm – the Great Easter Vigil at St Francis.

Easter Sunday — March 31
Celebrate Easter at the 8:00 am and 10:00 am service, followed by our Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the service.

St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund Update

Ayomide (Ay) Olowookere is a freshman at UCLA pursuing a major in computer engineering.

He has assimilated well into the college experience and so far his classes have largely been a review of what he had already learned in high school, but the classes are becoming more difficult. In July 2023, the St. Francis Outreach Scholarship Fund (SFOSF) helped Ay buy a MacBook Pro laptop computer, which he absolutely loves. It has been a great help in his studies, especially since all of his college textbooks are in digital format.

For more about the St. Francis Outreach Scholarship fund, click here.

Palos Verdes Estates Housing Element – Special Announcement

Palos Verdes Estates Housing Element – Special Announcement

February 5, 2024

As you all may know, for the past several months, the Church has been engaged in an effort to keep the Church off the list of potential sites for affordable housing in Palos Verdes Estates. To date, we have been successful because there is no basis for such action.

Recently, there have been renewed efforts to put the Church back on the list. Next Wednesday, February 7 from 6:00 p.m., the City Council of Palos Verdes Estates will be holding a special meeting to hear from the public about this issue. The meeting, which will take the form of a Town Hall Meeting, will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room of Lunada Bay Elementary School in Lunada Bay.

Designated representatives from the Church will be present to speak on behalf of the Church. Representatives from Town & Country Nursery School, which leases our Education Wing during the week, will also speak. I encourage any of you who wish to attend this meeting to do so. You will also have an opportunity to speak on behalf of the Church should you so choose.

If you have any questions or wish more information about this matter, please see Church attorney Dick Briggs.

Thank you.

—Fr. Jason Shelby

Annual Meeting Recap

The Annual Meeting was held on Sunday, January 28th. In addition to a delicious potluck, Jason, our senior warden Shelly Zak and our treasurer Fred Henry, led us through the highlights of 2023 as well as the budget and plans for 2024. Two new vestry members were elected and delegates to the 2024 Convention were approved.

Friars Dinner Recap

The Friars, our own group of parishioners who enjoy cooking for others, hosted a wonderful dinner for the current members and prospective members on Wednesday, January 24th in the Parish Hall.  Tony Deley presented a fascinating show on the James Webb Telescope covering its development, launch, and many of the photos it has sent back to Earth.  It was truly an out-of-this-world experience!  All members of the parish are welcome to join the Friars: contact Dick Briggs for details.

Lent 2024 at St. Francis

Lent 2024 at St. Francis


February 13 at 6:00 pm
Service of Reconciliation in the Parish Hall followed by Mardi Gras-esque Gumbo Party


February 14

  • 7:00 am – Imposition of Ashes and Ministry of the Word
  • 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm – Ashes-to-Go in the lower parking lot
  • 6:00 pm – Ash Wednesday Liturgy and Holy Eucharist


February 21, 28, March 6, 13

  • Noon – Healing Service and Eucharist: Sermon with questions/comments from the congregation
  • 6:00 pm – Dinner de Friar followed by our Lenten Program “From Aspergillums to John the Baptist: A wild ride through time.”

Wednesday, March 20

  • Noon – Healing Service and Holy Eucharist: Sermon with questions/comments from the congregation
  • 6:00 pm – Seder Dinner Presentation by Bob Rothman, member of Congregation Ner Tamid

Lenten Devotional

Every year, the St. Francis community works together to produce a Lenten Devotional. Click here to download your copy as a PDF.

Download this list as a PDF.

Celebration of a New Ministry

Celebration of a New Ministry

Saturday, February 3
11:00 am

You are cordially invited to attend the Celebration of a New Ministry for the people of St. Francis in Palos Verdes at the installation of their new Rector, The Rev. Jason Shelby.

The Right Rev. Ed Little, Retired Bishop of Northern Indiana, Presiding

Clergy: Red Stoles

Reception to follow.

Dear St. Francis Family,

I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying a healthy New Year! February will mark the first anniversary of The Reverend Jason Shelby’s service as the Rector of St. Francis. I want to invite you all to a special Celebration of a New Ministry service on Saturday, February 3, 2024.

The service will begin at 11:00 a.m., followed by lunch in the Parish Hall. It was discovered during our Rector Search in 2022 that Jason’s+ favorite food is tacos and accordingly, we will be enjoying tacos with Jason+!

As a gift to acknowledge Jason’s+ Ministry at St. Francis, we wish to establish a Discretionary Fund for Jason+. A Discretionary Fund is money that a priest has at their disposal to use as the spirit calls them. Frequently these funds afford a priest the ability to offer aid and support on an informal basis when meeting with those in need. The offertory at the Celebration of a New Ministry will be put toward establishing this Discretionary Fund. If you wish to contribute to the fund but cannot attend the service, please send your gift to St. Francis, attn: Elaine Mistele, and identify the gift to be used for The Reverend Jason Shelby’s Discretionary Fund.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as able at the service on February 3!

Shelly Zak
Senior Warden

Military Outreach: Camp Pendleton Recap

Military Outreach: Camp Pendleton Recap

Military Outreach: Camp Pendleton Recap

On Saturday, January 20 in the early morning, St. Francis volunteers arrived to pack donations received into the vans and trucks headed Hawthorne High School for delivery to Camp Pendleton.

It was very successful: we filled six vans with donated items, including nineteen gift cards. We also were offered an apartment complete with the donation of ALL items for those who are part of Camp Pendleton! We also sent 20 boxes to a Marine unit in Japan. Military Outreach has been busy!

To learn more about the St. Francis Military Outreach ministry, contact Susie Zimmerman at susiehzimmerman@gmail.com


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Publication Deadline:
Tuesdays at Noon

To get news, events, or other notifications in our weekly email and worship bulletin announcements, send your news to info@stfrancispalosverdes.org by noon on Tuesday for publication on Sunday.