

Now Hiring: Administrative Assistant / Front Desk Receptionist

Job Description for
Administrative Assistant-Front-Desk Receptionist

Listing updated on November 15.


We are seeking a dedicated Administrative Assistant-Front Desk Receptionist to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for providing exceptional service and administrative support in a church office setting.

Overall Responsibilities:

  • Telephone and Office Reception: – Welcome callers, visitors, parishioners, and staff with congenial and helpful attitude; – Direct calls and messages to the appropriate staff or volunteers; – Keep relevant staff informed about the progress of office projects and tasks within their areas of responsibility.
  • Event Coordination: – Create and track RSVPs for church events as needed; – Act as point of contact for events between staff, volunteers, and outside contacts.; – Schedule weekly volunteers; – Write and distribute emails, letters, and forms.
  • Database Management: – Ensure the computer membership database records are accurate and up-to-date, including information on new members, transfers, baptisms, funerals, etc.; – Record & track weekly service attendance.
  • Office and Environment Maintenance: – Maintain a neat office environment; – Keep church entrance spaces organized with up-to-date publications and other relevant information.
  • Additional Responsibilities: – Perform other duties as assigned; – Assist with general office tasks to support the team; – Assist in preparing annual reports.


  • Previous office experience is preferred.
  • Proficiency in using Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel) or similar software.
  • Familiarity with handling multi-line phone systems.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to prioritize tasks and work efficiently in a busy environment.
  • Understanding of basic office procedures.
  • A valid driver’s license is required.
  • Ability to treat others with kindness, and compassion, and be discrete about their needs regardless of their position in life.
  • Ability to keep records, spreadsheets, and files organized.
  • References required.
  • Able to maintain confidentiality regarding matters of the Church, office, and other matters of a sensitive nature.

Position Type: Part-Time, 20 hours/week
Pay Range: $19.00 – $23.50 per hour depending on education and/or experience
Work Schedule: Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 3 pm
Work Location: Fully in-person position at the St. Francis Office, 2200 Via Rosa, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274

St. Francis Church is an equal opportunity employer to all, regardless of age (40 and over), ancestry, association with a member of a protected class, bereavement leave, cannabis use, color, disability (physical, intellectual/developmental, or mental health/psychiatric.), Family Care and Medical Leave (CFRA) related to serious health condition of employee or family member, child bonding, or military exigencies, gender identity or expression, genetic information or characteristic, marital status, medical condition (cancer or genetic characteristic), military and veteran status, national origin (includes language restrictions), participation in an EEO protected activity, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions, Pregnancy

Disability Leave (PDL), race (includes hairstyle and hair texture), religious creed (includes dress and grooming practices), reproductive health decision-making, reproductive loss leave, sex/gender, and sexual orientation. Joining our St. Francis Episcopal Church team as our Administrative Assistant-Front-Desk Receptionist offers the opportunity to work in a church environment, contribute to teamwork with results, and grow professionally. If you meet the requirements, enjoy doing the overall responsibilities, and are passionate about delivering excellent service, we invite you to apply. Please submit your cover letter, resume, and references to elaine.mistele@stfrancispalosverdes.org by July 9, 2024.

It all started with a song by the Beastie Boys.

Shadrach is the thirteenth track on the Beastie Boys’ second album, Paul’s Boutique. The chorus is, “Shadrach, Meshach, Abendego,” the names of the three men put into the furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, who remain untouched and unharmed by the flames. (Daniel 3) The song doesn’t tell the story of the three men, nor the angel they were talking to in the furnace. Instead it recounts the genius of the Beastie Boys and extols their ability to rap, drive cars, and appeal to women.

One of the lines is, “Because I got more stories than JD’s got Salinger / I hold the title, and you are the challenger.” When I heard this I was 18 years old and I’d heard of JD Salinger. But at that point, I hadn’t read anything by him. (He wasn’t assigned in high school and I was still reading A LOT of science fiction and fantasy.) I remembered one of my friends talking about The Catcher in the Rye, and when I realized it was by the same man that was in the Beastie Boys rap I decided I needed to read it.

So I read The Catcher in the Rye and enjoyed it, and soon read everything else by J.D. Salinger except Franny and Zooey. I didn’t like the title, which is a silly reason not to read a book. I was also mispronouncing Zooey; I thought it was pronounced Zoo E, not Zo E, and I thought Zoo E was a dumb name. I was 19 by then but I was 19; rational thought was not my forte.

I eventually got around to reading Franny and Zooey when I was in college, and it was Franny’s part of the story that especially intrigued me. Franny is reading a book called The Way of the Pilgrim; it’s about a Russian peasant who wants to learn how to pray without ceasing, as Paul instructs us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. The pilgrim meets a spiritual guide who teaches him the Jesus Prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner.”

There are variations of the Jesus Prayer; many people add, “Son of God the Father,” or “Son of Mary.” It’s a prayer meant to be said without ceasing, to the point that we are breathing the prayer in and out of our lungs, that our heartbeats match the rhythm of the prayer, and we enter a trance-like state where we achieve oneness with God. Franny (remember her) is trying to pray the Jesus Prayer in imitation of the pilgrim so that she can escape the phoniness of her upper-class college society. Her efforts largely involve smoking a lot, not eating and taking baths, if I remember correctly.

It turns out that the Jesus Prayer isn’t a quick fix or easy way to escape superficiality. It’s not something that happens overnight; in The Way of the Pilgrim the peasant is on the road for years, working to learn from different spiritual masters the best way to fully integrate the prayer into his life.

I ended up reading The Way of the Pilgrim and its sequel, The Pilgrim Continues His Way, both of which were written in Russian and translated by an Anglican priest (I read the translations).

The Jesus Prayer has been part of my prayer life since 2001; it’s never become part of my breath or heartbeat, but it has been a HUGE help when I’ve sat in the dentist’s chair or been cut off in traffic. It all started with a B-side track from a band most people think of as a joke. But it led me to a prayer that is foundational in my life.

God is working all the time, through all things, but we don’t often see it until the event is long passed. This isn’t a huge God moment, but it’s a fun one, and one I’m glad to have it in my life.

— Fr. Jason

Record breaking Antiques Show!

The final numbers are in and we are proud to announce that the Antiques Show netted $32,359 for the ECW. The parish has received and deposited the $10,000 annual pledge from the ECW to St. Francis!

With her booth full of treasures, Gloria Jones raised $6,108 towards her rummage sale funds! Additionally, proceeds from one of the Opening Night Silent Auction items were split with the Outreach Scholarship Fund giving it $875! This brings the total funds raised at this year’s Antiques Show to $39,342!

A very big thank you to all who helped make this year’s show such an overwhelming success!

We will be having an Antique Show wrap-up meeting on Sunday, October 13 at 11:30am in the Board Room and all are welcome!

Anna Eakins, ECW President

Jamie Bellows, Antiques Show Chairman

St. Francis hosts Blessing of the Animals in honor of patron saint

St. Francis hosts Blessing of the Animals in honor of patron saint

Annual parish event open to all faiths and traditions and anyone who has a beloved pet!

PALOS VERDES ESTATES, Calif. (September 25, 2024) — St. Francis Episcopal Church located at 2200 Via Rosa in Palos Verdes Estates is hosting its annual Blessing of the Animals in honor of patron saint, Francis of Assisi, on Sunday, October 6 at 4:00 pm. The 30-minute outdoor service in the St. Francis Garden is open to all faiths and traditions and anyone who has a beloved pet. Bring your pets in a cage or on leash for their own safety. For more information, call (310) 375-4617.

We look forward to seeing you (and your pets) there!

Small Group Project Summary 2024

The Vestry Members held Small Group Meetings with members of St. Francis to enable us to move in the best direction for our parish.  Approximately 50 members participated on a volunteer basis to answer 5 questions posed by Fr. Jason Shelby during the 2024 Vestry Retreat.  The questions are as follows:

  1. What do we really love to do?
  2. How has God gifted us to do those things?
  3. If we focused more on doing what we love, so that we do it really well and share it with others, what are the best things that could happen?
  4. What might boost our ability to achieve each of those things?
  5. Where do we start?

Mary Deley and Mary Ann Cronin then gathered the information provided by the Vestry Members and created this summary.  The responses are listed in order of popularity, particularly under Question 1.  Please let us know if you have any questions or would like an explanation in more detail for any of the responses. 

QUESTION 1 – What do we really love to do?

Parishioners said the following which they enjoy and love: 

  1. Fellowship – spend time together
  2. Music – listening, playing, singing
  3. Puzzles, games cards
  4. Attend church on Sunday, enjoy the traditions
  5. Exercise/Sports – playing and watching
  6. Gardening, campus cleanup
  7. Hiking/Being outdoors
  8. Reading/Writing
  9. Being/Serving in our community (outside of church)
  10. Photography/Art
  11. Youth programs/Mentoring
  12. Adult education/Guest speakers
  13. Homeless support
  14. Sewing/Knitting/Quilting
  15. Healing/Illness support
  16. Grief group
  17. Travel
  18. Guilds
  19. Genealogy
  20. Helping the homebound
  21. Technology
  22. Being with our pets

QUESTION 2 – How has God gifted us to do those things?

We have the gifts of:

  1. Welcoming community at St. Francis
  2. Enjoy working and serving together
  3. Beautiful grounds
  4. Great staff to enable us to provide fellowship and joy
  5. Various Guilds, Ministry Councils, etc.
  6. People who see a need and do whatever it takes to fulfill it
  7. Vision to make something happen (i.e. Designs for Dining, Rummage Sale, etc.)

QUESTION 3 – If we focused more on doing what we love, so that we do it really well and share it with others, what are the best things that could happen?

We would:

  1. Build more connections between current parishioners
  2. Bring more people to the church to do God’s work
  3. Build connections with our outside community
  4. By fellowship events increase opportunities
  5. Build a Youth Program
  6. Have more empathy towards the homeless
  7. Have our passion rub off on others
  8. Develop coffee hour further by adding music

QUESTION 4 – What might boost our ability to achieve each of those things?

Ideas shared include:

  1. Name tags for Vestry members, Ministry Council Leaders, Sunday School teachers, etc.
  2. Funding for Youth Leader
  3. Music at coffee hour
  4. Visiting other churches to inspire ideas for St. Francis
  5. Reinstitute Acolyte Program for children and adults
  6. Information page about St. Francis history for people to take in pews at weddings, funerals, etc. 
  7. Use St. Francis as venue for community events and advertising them (i.e. Bag Pipe Concert, Music Concerts, Evensong, etc.)
  8. Restaurant fundraisers
  9. Individual discussions and/or invitations to get involved (i.e. baking for the Antique Show, decorating for holidays, singing in choir for special occasions, etc.)
  10. Presentations by different Groups, Guilds, Ministry Council, etc. in church on monthly or bi-monthly basis (i.e., Loaves & Fishes, Caring Cards, Outreach, Sages, etc.)
  11. Mentoring others to develop future leaders (i.e., Antique Show, etc.)
  12. Sport watching parties, game nights, etc.
  13. Participating on peripheral of events wearing St. Francis T-shirts or hats (i.e., passing out water bottles at Village Run, booth at local festival, etc.)

QUESTION 5 – Where do we start?

Answers to this question dovetailed with Question 4 so those replies were not included.  Other responses were:

  1. Joint service with Wayfarer’s Chapel
  2. Kris Kringle Christmas Show
  3. More staff for Rector
  4. Engage Youth Leader
  5. Visitation of homebound aging population
  6. Reinstitute Lay Eucharist Ministers
  7. Provide Christian education to support faith and address doubts about faith
  8. Humor in bulletin and/or Bellringer

A Friendly Reminder for Flu Season at St. Francis

Dear St. Francis Family,

As we enter the flu season, we want to ensure that everyone in our community stays healthy and safe.

If you are feeling ill or are running a fever, we kindly ask that you take care of yourself at home and join us in spirit through our livestream worship on Facebook or YouTube.

For those who are immune compromised or concerned about their health, we encourage you to consider wearing a mask during in-person worship services for added protection.

We appreciate your understanding and care for one another during this time.


Sue Ferme
Safety Chair

Fr. Jason Shelby

Time to Change the Healing Surface

On Wednesday, August 28, the Healing Service will be at 10:00AM in the chapel, and will continue to be held at 10:00AM unless otherwise noted or announced. But why, you may be asking yourself, is it being moved? Because it will accommodate Father Jason’s schedule better if it is at ten instead of twelve. The healing service itself will remain the same, only now it will happen two hours earlier.

Why a “Week in Review”?

Each week, our Rector submits his week-in-review for publication in our email newsletter, The Bellringer. When asked how this got started, he replied with the following:

“What do you do when you’re not working on Sunday?” asked James, in between bites of chicken tenders.  “Do you sit in the church by yourself?”  “Sometimes,” I replied.  James was in the fourth grade, and I was sitting with him and several other kids from the church during one of our Wednesday night dinners at St. George’s, Clarksdale.  The other children looked at me with interest, wondering what I did with my time when they didn’t see me.  I said, “Well, I help plan the services and work on my sermon, and a lot of people call or come to the church office who want to talk to me.”  “What do they want to talk about?”  I explained that most needed help paying their bills and some needed food or a safe place to stay for the night.  I told them about hospital visits, taking communion to the homebound, and preparing for vestry meetings.  My bishop at the time kept a journal detailing his day-to-day activities, and it was published every month in the diocesan newspaper. I decided to follow suit, thinking that James and the other kids weren’t the only ones curious about how I spend my time during the week.  When I arrived at St. Francis, it was suggested that I do a week in review rather than the whole month, and so I did.

To subscribe to The Bellringer and see an archive of previous editions, click here. The Bellringer is published weekly on or around 4:30pm each Thursday.

Annual Rummage Sale is coming!

Annual Rummage Sale is coming!

We are now accepting donations to our Annual Rummage Sale.

Bring your donations Monday through Friday, August 5-19, 9:30am to 2:00pm. (Sale dates Friday, August 23 and Saturday, August 24.) We will need lots of helpers to sort, wash, price, put items in proper location. No need to sign up, just show up for a couple hours and spend the day with our friendly crew. We would like sign-ups for sale days. Needed: cashiers, baggers, security wanderers (or sit and watch), will call station, kitchen help for crew lunch.

Bicycle enthusiasts: please help! We need someone to check two donated bikes to see if they are worth repairing.

For more info: call Gloria Jones at 310-415-8240. Thank you!


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Publication Deadline:
Tuesdays at Noon

To get news, events, or other notifications in our weekly email and worship bulletin announcements, send your news to info@stfrancispalosverdes.org by noon on Tuesday for publication on Sunday.