June is LGBTQ Pride Month

June is LGBTQ Pride Month

On June 28, 1969, the New York City Police Department raided a bar frequented by people who were gay, lesbian, and transgender. The raid was not unusual. Homosexual conduct was illegal in every state (but Illinois) and police would often raid places known to serve...

Annual Meeting Recap

The Annual Meeting was held on Sunday, January 28th. In addition to a delicious potluck, Jason, our senior warden Shelly Zak and our treasurer Fred Henry, led us through the highlights of 2023 as well as the budget and plans for 2024. Two new vestry members were...

Friars Dinner Recap

The Friars, our own group of parishioners who enjoy cooking for others, hosted a wonderful dinner for the current members and prospective members on Wednesday, January 24th in the Parish Hall.  Tony Deley presented a fascinating show on the James Webb...
Calling all Quilters and Knitters

Calling all Quilters and Knitters

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to spend more time working on needlework projects, please consider coming to the Boardroom on Thursdays at 1:00 to 3:00 pm. People are quilting, embroidering, knitting, and crocheting every week. Come join us to share...