Holy Week and Easter

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday — March 24Celebrate Palm Sunday at the 8:00 am and 10:00 am service. Holy Week — March 24-30 3/27 Holy Wednesday7 pm – Tenebrae at St. Andrew’s (Torrance). A contemplative evening of light & music. 3/28 Maundy Thursday Noon – Foot washing...
Lent 2024 at St. Francis

Lent 2024 at St. Francis

SHROVE TUESDAY February 13 at 6:00 pmService of Reconciliation in the Parish Hall followed by Mardi Gras-esque Gumbo Party ASH WEDNESDAY February 14 7:00 am – Imposition of Ashes and Ministry of the Word 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm – Ashes-to-Go in the lower...
Celebration of a New Ministry

Celebration of a New Ministry

Saturday, February 311:00 am You are cordially invited to attend the Celebration of a New Ministry for the people of St. Francis in Palos Verdes at the installation of their new Rector, The Rev. Jason Shelby. The Right Rev. Ed Little, Retired Bishop of Northern...