Why a “Week in Review”?

Each week, our Rector submits his week-in-review for publication in our email newsletter, The Bellringer. When asked how this got started, he replied with the following: “What do you do when you’re not working on Sunday?” asked James, in between bites of chicken...
Annual Rummage Sale is coming!

Annual Rummage Sale is coming!

We are now accepting donations to our Annual Rummage Sale. Bring your donations Monday through Friday, August 5-19, 9:30am to 2:00pm. (Sale dates Friday, August 23 and Saturday, August 24.) We will need lots of helpers to sort, wash, price, put items in proper...
St. Francis Parish Small Discussion Groups

St. Francis Parish Small Discussion Groups

You serve the best by doing what you love most! Fr. Jason has invited the Vestry to host a series of small group meetings with our parish family. This is an opportunity for us to come together and explore what we love that brings us joy in church and our daily lives...
June is LGBTQ Pride Month

June is LGBTQ Pride Month

On June 28, 1969, the New York City Police Department raided a bar frequented by people who were gay, lesbian, and transgender. The raid was not unusual. Homosexual conduct was illegal in every state (but Illinois) and police would often raid places known to serve...