Each week, our Rector submits his week-in-review for publication in our email newsletter, The Bellringer. When asked how this got started, he replied with the following:

“What do you do when you’re not working on Sunday?” asked James, in between bites of chicken tenders.  “Do you sit in the church by yourself?”  “Sometimes,” I replied.  James was in the fourth grade, and I was sitting with him and several other kids from the church during one of our Wednesday night dinners at St. George’s, Clarksdale.  The other children looked at me with interest, wondering what I did with my time when they didn’t see me.  I said, “Well, I help plan the services and work on my sermon, and a lot of people call or come to the church office who want to talk to me.”  “What do they want to talk about?”  I explained that most needed help paying their bills and some needed food or a safe place to stay for the night.  I told them about hospital visits, taking communion to the homebound, and preparing for vestry meetings.  My bishop at the time kept a journal detailing his day-to-day activities, and it was published every month in the diocesan newspaper. I decided to follow suit, thinking that James and the other kids weren’t the only ones curious about how I spend my time during the week.  When I arrived at St. Francis, it was suggested that I do a week in review rather than the whole month, and so I did.

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